Player Roster
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Handle | H.I.™ | Affiliation |
Albee, Will | 3.5 | E-Z-GO |
Bare, Andy | 0.0 | Golf Pride |
Blackburn, Brooks | 0.0 | Peter Millar |
Blanton, Kevin | 0.0 | E-Z-GO |
Bourdillon, Andrew | 4.1 | Golf Plus VR |
Briand, Tim | 4.9 | Foresight Technologies |
Bruton, Curtis | 16.0 | Ewing Irrigation |
Burns, Allison | 8.0 | USGA |
Chamblee, Rodney | 10.5 | FootJoy |
Chase, Jon | 12.0 | John Deere |
Cooney, Allison | 2.5 | John Deere |
Costello, Dan | 14.0 | CaddieMaster |
Cowell, Jeff | 0H | U.S. Kids Golf |
Dauer, Brian | 6.5 | Shipsticks |
Decarlo, Johnathon | 7.7 | E-Z-GO |
Denesha, Matt | 0.0 | Titleist Team 2 |
Devaney, Joe | 0.0 | Peter Millar |
Dockery, Steve | 16.0 | Ewing Irrigation |
Egan, John | 12.2 | Coca-Cola |
Engle, Ryan | 2.6 | Golf Plus VR |
Faidley, John | 0.0 | Peter Millar |
Flory, Matt | 2.0 | Rain Bird |
Gan, Manny | 25.0 | John Deere |
Garske, Brey | 8.0 | - |
Granuzzo, Mike | 14.0 | CaddieMaster |
Hanke, Skip | 12.0 | Coca-Cola |
Keane, Jim | 7.0 | CaddieMaster |
Kerrigan, Sean | USGA | |
Key, Kody | 2.5 | Rain Bird |
Klemmer, Dave | 15.0 | FootJoy |
Loehr, Paul | 4.0 | CaddieMaster |
Machielsen, Gordon | 0.8 | BMW |
MacPhail, Cameron | 4.0 | Peter Millar |
Mathers, Justin | 0.0 | Titleist Team 1 |
Matthis, Hugh | 0.0 | Titleist Team 1 |
Mattis, Ken | 0.0 | Titleist Team 2 |
McGargill, Ben | 14.0 | Rain Bird |
Milanowski, Jim | 0.0 | BMW |
Miles, Dewitt | 6.4 | Titleist Team 1 |
Miranda, Bryan | 13.0 | USGA |
Neff, Chris | 15.0 | Ewing Irrigation |
O'Toole, Ryan | 19.3 | FootJoy |
Paga, Mike | 10.4 | BMW |
Penner, Craig | 4.2 | Golf Plus VR |
Phillips, Matt | 18.0 | Shipsticks |
Plaziak, John | 3.8 | U.S. Kids Golf |
Reardon, Kevin | 0.0 | Titleist Team 1 |
Ritter, Kendall | 31.4 | Golf Pride |
Rowen, Adam | 7.7 | Golf Pride |
Ryan, Jack | 20.0 | Shipsticks |
Scheu, Justin | 9.1 | BMW |
Shepard, Joe | 15.0 | FootJoy |
Stafford, Nick | 0.0 | Titleist Team 2 |
Steimel, AJ | 8.9 | Shipsticks |
Stephens, Scott | 22.0 | Coca-Cola |
Taylor, Julian | 2.4 | Titleist Team 2 |
Termini, Brian | 13.0 | E-Z-GO |
Thorne, David | 4.6 | John Deere |
Tonkovich, Brandon | 0.3 | Golf Pride |
Van Horn, Dan | 4.6 | U.S. Kids Golf |
Van Horn, David | 1.7 | U.S. Kids Golf |
Vincent, Scott | 12.0 | Rain Bird |
Vines, Marvin | 14.0 | Coca-Cola |
Viola, Alex | 1.8 | USGA |
Watters, Chris | 0.0 | Foresight Technologies |
White, Alisa | USGA | |
Wojcicki, Mike | 2.9 | Golf Pride |
Wood, Keith | 17.0 | Ewing Irrigation |
Wright, James | 6.4 | Golf Plus VR |