
Player Roster

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Handle H.I.™ Affiliation
Albee, Will 3.5 E-Z-GO
Bare, Andy 0.0 Golf Pride
Blackburn, Brooks 0.0 Peter Millar
Blanton, Kevin 0.0 E-Z-GO
Bourdillon, Andrew 4.1 Golf Plus VR
Briand, Tim 4.9 Foresight Technologies
Bruton, Curtis 16.0 Ewing Irrigation
Burns, Allison 8.0 USGA
Chamblee, Rodney 10.5 FootJoy
Chase, Jon 12.0 John Deere
Cooney, Allison 2.5 John Deere
Costello, Dan 14.0 CaddieMaster
Cowell, Jeff 0H U.S. Kids Golf
Dauer, Brian 6.5 Shipsticks
Decarlo, Johnathon 7.7 E-Z-GO
Denesha, Matt 0.0 Titleist Team 2
Devaney, Joe 0.0 Peter Millar
Dockery, Steve 16.0 Ewing Irrigation
Egan, John 12.2 Coca-Cola
Engle, Ryan 2.6 Golf Plus VR
Faidley, John 0.0 Peter Millar
Flory, Matt 2.0 Rain Bird
Gan, Manny 25.0 John Deere
Garske, Brey 8.0 -
Granuzzo, Mike 14.0 CaddieMaster
Hanke, Skip 12.0 Coca-Cola
Keane, Jim 7.0 CaddieMaster
Kerrigan, Sean USGA
Key, Kody 2.5 Rain Bird
Klemmer, Dave 15.0 FootJoy
Loehr, Paul 4.0 CaddieMaster
Machielsen, Gordon 0.8 BMW
MacPhail, Cameron 4.0 Peter Millar
Mathers, Justin 0.0 Titleist Team 1
Matthis, Hugh 0.0 Titleist Team 1
Mattis, Ken 0.0 Titleist Team 2
McGargill, Ben 14.0 Rain Bird
Milanowski, Jim 0.0 BMW
Miles, Dewitt 6.4 Titleist Team 1
Miranda, Bryan 13.0 USGA
Neff, Chris 15.0 Ewing Irrigation
O'Toole, Ryan 19.3 FootJoy
Paga, Mike 10.4 BMW
Penner, Craig 4.2 Golf Plus VR
Phillips, Matt 18.0 Shipsticks
Plaziak, John 3.8 U.S. Kids Golf
Reardon, Kevin 0.0 Titleist Team 1
Ritter, Kendall 31.4 Golf Pride
Rowen, Adam 7.7 Golf Pride
Ryan, Jack 20.0 Shipsticks
Scheu, Justin 9.1 BMW
Shepard, Joe 15.0 FootJoy
Stafford, Nick 0.0 Titleist Team 2
Steimel, AJ 8.9 Shipsticks
Stephens, Scott 22.0 Coca-Cola
Taylor, Julian 2.4 Titleist Team 2
Termini, Brian 13.0 E-Z-GO
Thorne, David 4.6 John Deere
Tonkovich, Brandon 0.3 Golf Pride
Van Horn, Dan 4.6 U.S. Kids Golf
Van Horn, David 1.7 U.S. Kids Golf
Vincent, Scott 12.0 Rain Bird
Vines, Marvin 14.0 Coca-Cola
Viola, Alex 1.8 USGA
Watters, Chris 0.0 Foresight Technologies
White, Alisa USGA
Wojcicki, Mike 2.9 Golf Pride
Wood, Keith 17.0 Ewing Irrigation
Wright, James 6.4 Golf Plus VR